355th Comptroller Squadron/355th Wing Staff Agencies


The Wing Staff Agencies are a diverse network of departments. Their primary goals are customer service, base coordination, community relations and safety, while also simultaneously providing direct support to the 355th Wing Commander in order to meet mission requirements and the Desert Lightning Team members' needs.

355th Comptroller Squadron

355th Comptroller Squadron Vision
“Develop resilient financial managers driven by AF Core Values, executing in a culture of innovation, accountability and teamwork.”

355th Comptroller Squadron Mission
“Deliver sound Financial Decision Support to the Desert Lightning Team by providing precise financial services and effective mission resource allocation."

355th Wing Public Affairs

Requesting PA Support - If you would like to request photo or video support, please fill out the AF Form 833 and submit it to: 355WG.VP@us.af.mil

Studio Photography - We offer studio services for official portraits, passport and deployment-related imagery.  The studio is open Tuesday through Thursday, with hours varying based on the type of photo required. Appointments can be made online at: https://davismonthanairforcebase355.setmore.com/ Please call Public Affairs Office with any questions at (520) 228-3406. Walk-ins are welcome for official passports and deployment-related imagery.

Media Operations - Your one-step information source regarding contact between military personnel and media outlets. If you have been approached by a media outlet, please contact our Media Operations team at (520) 228-3398.

Community Relations - We maintain ties with the Tucson community and ensure both the community and base populace stay informed about events and important activities. Please call (520) 228-3378 with any questions. 

355th Wing Inspector General

The Inspector General is responsible to the 355th Wing Commander for the quality, credibility and effectiveness of the inquiries, complaints and Fraud, Waste and Abuse programs at DM. At the direction of the 355 Wing Commander, the IG Office investigates complaint allegations and makes recommendations for resolution. It coordinates with higher headquarters IG offices, Secretary of the Air Force/Legislative Liaison, and Air Combat Command staff directorates to respond to high-level inquiries. It manages, monitors, and reports on the actions of audit, inspection, and investigation regarding Defense Hotline disclosures and acts as the wing liaison for all Congressional inquiries.


355th Wing Equal Opportunity

The 355th Wing Equal Opportunity office is committed to providing superior support to senior leadership, unit leadership, unit commanders, tenant organizations and the Desert Lightning Team by enhancing unit cohesion for maximum mission effectiveness in areas concerning equal opportunity and human relations.

355th Wing Command Post

The 355th Wing Command Post is the Wing Commander's 24/7 Operations Center; his eyes and ears to the entire installation. The Command Post Emergency Actions Cell monitors emergency response activity, base law enforcement, and responds to emergency action messages and readiness condition changes from higher headquarters. We process quick reaction checklists for local emergencies, command and control requirements and conduct operational reporting. During higher states of readiness and in times of emergencies, the Command Post is combined with the 355th Wing Battle Staff and its support Battle Staff, fully activating Davis-Monthan's crisis response and management capability.