Davis Monthan Air Force Base Farewell Center
Comm: 520-228-1077
DSN: 228-1077
Thursday, 0800-1600
Friday, 0800-1300
Mission Support Group's Building #3200, Room 123
By Appointment Only
Thank you for your service to Davis-Monthan and best of luck!
The Davis-Monthan Farewell Center is a step-by-step process to assist you through a smooth transition to your next assignment. The staff is here to provide a clear road map of what needs to be accomplished and how to complete each requirement at your initial appointment. A follow-up appointment is highly encouraged for further assistance.
At the follow-up appointment, we will ensure that your TMO, Medical, EFMP (if needed) and passport (if needed) are completed. We will also look over your checklist to review the progress you have made and identify any issues you may come upon with the agencies.
Appointments are mandatory for AB – SSgt and Lt – Capt, but services are open to other ranks that need assistance. At your appointment all you need is a copy of your Virtual Out-Processing (vOP) checklist.
Our goal is to streamline the process to make it easier for you and your family to leave here with less stress. We want to give back time to you by being the focal point for any obstacles that may occur during your last few months here.
The Farewell Center will reach out to Airmen, who are about to PCS to make an appointment.