Dana Morgan
Dana Morgan, a 9-year-old Tucsonan recovering from leukemia, toured the base March 14. 2014 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day program. The program allows children who have serious or chronic conditions the opportunity to be a guest of the 355th Fighter Wing and one of D-M's squadrons for the day.
Sam Duerkop
Sam Duerkop, an 8-year-old Tucsonan diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, toured the base Jan. 21, 2014 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The program offers local children with disabilities or serious illnesses a chance to enjoy a day focused on them and their interest in aviation.
Austin Thacker
Austin Thacker, a 15-year-old Tucsonan recovering from cancer, toured the base Nov. 22, 2013 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The Pilot for a Day Program allows children who have serious or chronic conditions to go behind the scenes with a flying squadron here.
Bryce Crane
Bryce Crane, a 5-year-old Tucsonan battling Leukemia, toured the base Sept. 25, 2013 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The program strives to give each child a special day as an honorary pilot and a break from the challenges they face.
Abrium Reyes
Abrium Reyes, a 10-year-old Tucsonan recovering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, toured the base May 16, 2013 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The program offers local children with disabilities or serious illnesses a chance to enjoy a day totally focused on them and their interest in aviation.
Addison Rerecich
Addison Rerecich, a 13-year-old Tucsonan recovering from a double lung transplant, toured the base Feb. 21, 2013 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The goal of the Pilot for a Day program is to benefit children and their families in the local community who have catastrophic illnesses.
Aspen Fritz
Aspen Fritz, an 8-year-old Tucsonan suffering from several congenital heart defects, lung disease and paralyzed vocal cords, toured the base Dec. 20, 2012 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The program offers local children with disabilities or serious illnesses a chance to enjoy a day totally focused on them and their interest in aviation.
Larry Ronstadt
Larry Ronstadt, an 8-year-old Tusconan who was diagnosed with leukemia, toured the base Oct. 25, 2012 as an honorary pilot with the Pilot for a Day Program. The program provides children with a serious or terminal illness a day to visit the base and become an honorary pilot for one of the operational squadrons.