DM Housing Information

  • Published
  • By Michelle Fry
  • 355th Civil Engineer Squadron

Members who are currently residing off-base in a lease and are offered a home from Soaring Heights, need to understand their lease and policy for notification of breaking it.  The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), will not allow a member to break a lease to move into Privatized Housing on-base.  It is personal choice to accept a home on-base and it is not government directed.  Only PCS or deployments with official orders will break a lease and there are also stipulations on providing notice to vacate as well.

Waitlist & Eligibility Date Procedures

An applicant’s waitlist/eligibility date is the date the member is projected to out-process their current duty station, not to exceed 30 days after the member has arrived on station.

For example: SSgt Robinson is PCS’ing from Malmstrom AFB on 15 June 2023, thus the member’s on-base housing waitlist/eligibility date would be 15 June 2023 regardless of when the member receives their assignment orders, or the Report No Later Than Date (RNLTD) stated on the assignment orders.


Should an applicant apply via email or walk in after the 30-day window of when the member arrived on station, the member’s waitlist/eligibility date would be the date the member submitted a completed on-base housing referral package to the DMAFB MHO.

For example: MSgt Jacob arrived at DMAFB on 15 February 2023 and rented an apartment for 6 months. Member opts to reside on-base and completes & submits an on-base housing referral package to the DMAFB MHO on August 20, 2023. Thus, this date would be the member’s entry date into the on-base housing waitlist.


If a member is coming from an Unaccompanied Dependent Restricted (UDR) tour, the member must submit a copy of their PCS orders from both the previous assignment, as well as the orders assigning the member to DMAFB, to be awarded the waitlist/eligibility date UDR tour credit (12 months minimum). Single members are not eligible for this waitlist/credit.

For example: Captain Mendez is PCS’ing to DMAFB from Incirlik AB Turkey, and was separated from their spouse and 2 children while serving on a UDR tour for 1 year. Member’s RNLTD to Incirlik AB from Beale AFB was on 25 May 2022, and the member won’t arrive at DMAFB until 25 June 2023. Member’s waitlist/eligibility date would then be backdated/credited to 25 May 2022, and thus the member would ascend over applicants who have an eligibility date after them from this date.


When a first term Airman is PCS’ing from technical training (tech school) to their first duty station/assignment and is also accompanied by their dependents to DMAFB, the member’s waitlist/eligibility date is the date the member entered into the DOD/Armed Forces.

For example: A1C Smith is PCS’ing from Keesler AFB with their spouse and dependent child to DMAFB on 7 July 2023. A1C Smith entered into the DOD/Armed Forces on 10 October 2022, and thus the member’s waitlist/eligibility date would be backdated/credited to this date.


An applicant who has a line number for promotion may apply for on-base housing anytime, but the member cannot be put on the waitlist for the projected rank housing category until the member sews on the projected rank. However, the member’s time on the waitlist will be credited towards their addition to the projected rank housing category once the member has sewn on the projected rank.

For example: TSgt Abdul has a line number for MSgt and is projected to sew on as soon as 1 October 2023. TSgt Abdul already has a completed on-base housing referral package submitted to the DMAFB MHO and will move over to the Senior NCO waitlist category upon gaining the projected rank; with their waitlist time credited from when they provided the completed on-base housing referral package.


Members who are single and who are not receiving the with dependent BAH rate may apply for Unaccompanied Privatized Housing (UPH). The member’s waitlist/eligibility date would be the date the member is projected to out-process their current duty station, or when the member provides a housing referral package to the DMAFB MHO if the member is already be assigned to DMAFB. Be advised: Member must be completely out-processed from Unaccompanied Housing (UH)/Dormitories before they may apply for on-base housing, regardless of pending or current marital status.

For example: A1C Chan & A1C Randolph out-processed the dormitories on 7 September 2023, and both members provided a completed on-base housing referral package to the DMAFB MHO on 22 September 2023. Thus, this date would be the members’ waitlist/eligibility date for a 2-bedroom UPH unit, as they are applying together to take advantage of the roommate option provided by Soaring Heights Communities.


Regarding Mil-to-Mil spouses, the highest ranking member must submit the on-base housing referral package and provide a copy of the Mil spouse’s orders if on separate orders. Should the member’s spouse not join them for over 30 days, the applicant is considered geographically separated and must apply as a UPH applicant unless there are dependent children accompanying them.

For example: SSgt Carl is PCS’ing to DMAFB on 20 June 2023, but the member’s spouse A1C Katrina will still be in technical training and will not join them until 15 December 2023. SSgt Carl would then apply as a UPH but should their spouse either arrive earlier than expected as a military member or as a civilian, SSgt Carl would then notify the DMAFB MHO as well as Soaring Heights Communities to update their dependent status, and thus move over to the Junior NCO/Family Housing category.


Lastly, all single members who have less than 3 years time in service, or are coming from technical training without dependents, must report to Unaccompanied Housing (UH)/Dormitories before they may apply for on-base housing.

For example:  Amn Medina is PCS’ing from Sheppard AFB on 25 March 2023 and does not currently have a spouse or any dependent children. SrA Medina would then contact their sponsor and Unaccompanied Housing accordingly before arrival.


Waitlist/Eligibility Date & Availability Date Differences and Determinations:

A member’s eligibility date is determined and administered by the DMAFB MHO as noted in the examples above, and only the DMAFB MHO can alter or revise the member’s eligibility date upon the member’s request.

A member’s availability date is determined by the member and can be adjusted at any time to fit their specific schedule or PCS timeline by contacting Soaring Heights Communities.

For example: Major Lexmark is projected to out-process Minot AFB on 16 July 2023, and thus this would be the Majors eligibility date as set by MHO. However, Major Lexmark has opted to rent a home upon their PCS to DMAFB for 6 months in the off-base community. Major Lexmark then notifies SHC that their availability date will be 16 February 2024.

Following the example above, should Major Lexmark opt to keep their availability date to 16 July 2023 and is offered a home after this date, the Major will have 5 days to accept the unit, or it will be considered a decline. Should the Major decline 3 different homes, they will be removed the waitlist altogether.

Additionally, if the Major were to contact the DMAFB MHO and state that their projected out-processing date was moved up earlier to 16 June 2023, MHO would then adjust the on-base housing referral package respectively.


A member can also be moved both up and down the waitlist subsequently depending on various circumstances.

For example: SSgt Hart is currently #5 on the 3-BR JNCO waitlist with an eligibility & availability date of 10 August 2023, however a TSgt has recently applied and is coming back from a UDR tour and has an eligibility date of 10 July 2022. SSgt Hart would then drop to #6 on the 3-BR JNCO waitlist accordingly.

Another different example of ascension within the waiting list would be that SSgt Hart is still at the #5 position on the 3-BR JNCO waitlist; however the 4 people above them simultaneously update their availability dates to 17 September 2024. Should a unit come available, and SSgt Hart is still ready to accept the unit before the other 4 applicants, they would then be offered the unit as the apparent #1 available applicant within the waitlist at the #5 position.


Members who are Colonels/O-6s along with CMSgts/E-9s have their eligibility date determined by their date of rank. Key and Essential (K&E) personnel (SFS/CC for example) are positioned at the top of waitlist as they are required by AFI to reside on-base and would consequently bump other members who are of the same rank that are ahead of them within their specific housing category waitlist.

Miscellaneous Information

Once a member is provided an offer letter by Soaring Heights Communities, the member must contact MHO as soon as possible to coordinate their fully reimbursable paid move entitlement memorandum. The member may elect to conduct either a Govt. Contracted Move (GCM), or Personally Procured Move (PPM). A GCM is where the contractor comes to your residence and packs up your belongings for you, while the PPM is where the member moves their household goods themselves. The most important aspect of this entitlement is that the member must contact MHO as soon as possible to establish the memorandum, as should the member move their belongings after their lease signing & move in date, they would be financially responsible for the move.

Lastly, regarding the on-base housing referral expiration, the member’s referral is valid for 1 year. Once the referral has expired and the member has not accepted or been offered a home, the member must then redo their referral package. The member’s eligibility date will not change on the updated referral as the original eligibility date will be honored accordingly.

Contact Information

DMAFB MHO – DSN/COMM: 520-228-3687 – 355CES.HMO@US.AF.MIL

Soaring Heights Communities (SHC) – COMM: 520-745-5024

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