Benko’s New Year’s fitness challenges set Published Dec. 29, 2011 By Airman 1st Class Michael Washburn 355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- The start of every New Year brings New Year's resolutions. Every year a handful of resolutions tend to be reoccurring goals. One of those resolutions is getting in shape. The Benko fitness center here has some workout programs to help individuals achieve their weight loss wishes. "We have two weight loss challenges that start on Jan. 1, 2012," said Cesar Vinueza, 355th Force Support Squadron, Benko Fitness Center manager. "The first is the Lift the Statue of Liberty Competition and the second is the 25 Pound Club." The Lift the Statue of Liberty Challenge lasts for six months and is a weight training challenge. Over the course of six months, individual will try and lift double the weight of the Statue of Liberty (312,000 pounds). There are three milestones to hit; each rewards the person with a different certificate as well as a prize. Leg press, leg curls, chest press, lat pull downs, triceps press downs and bicep curls are the only exercises that will count toward the competition. The 25 Pound Club is a yearlong challenge. The individual comes into the gym and gets weighed. Each person has their own card with all their personal statistics. Every time they lose five pounds, they get a stamp on their card as well as a prize. The objective is to lose 25 pounds and collect all the stamps. "Both of these programs have incentives that encourage people to start working out, improve themselves and have overall better health," Vinueza said. For some, staying motivated to actively workout every week can sometimes prove to be a challenge all in itself. By having something to work toward, it could help participants reach their goals. "Some people come in, do their own thing, stay self-motivated and see results all by themselves," Vinueza said. "For other individuals, they need something else to help them. By having something to work toward, it helps them stick with a program and see results. These incentive programs help both sets of individuals." "We offer these programs because we're here to take care of the D-M community," Vinueza said. "The Airmen do so much for us and we want them to get fit, tone up, feel good about themselves and live happier, healthier lifestyles." For more information, call the Benko Fitness Center at 228-0022.