Relax with Family Advocacy Published March 24, 2014 By Staff Sgt. Maria Kehoe Base Resiliency DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- There is a common misconception that Family Advocacy only handles abuse cases, but that's not true. On 3 March, the Family Advocacy Office held a relaxation class as a part of CAF Day. I participated in this class and was honestly skeptical. I thought it was going to be one of those "let's all sit in a circle and share our feelings" class but I was very wrong. Amy Owen, Family Advocacy, lead the group in basic breathing exercises and some simple yoga stretches. The purpose for this was to release any tension in the muscles and to help clear your mind. I have personally been under quite a bit of stress lately and I know I'm not the only person on this base, or the Air Force, that is facing stressful times. While in this class I relaxed for the first time in months, so much so I actually fell asleep for a moment. The feeling of completely relaxing and letting go of everything, even for a few moments, feels amazing. When the class was over my back didn't hurt, my headache was gone, I felt at ease and for the first time that day I was in a really good mood. With drawbacks and budget cuts our service members are under even more stress that usual. The Family Advocacy hopes that by holding a few of these relaxation classes Airmen can learn new ways to handle that stress and improve work performance and their personal lives as well. The next relaxation class will be held on 17 April 2014, at the Mirage Club in the Tucson Room from 1130-1230. If you would like to attend please contact Michelle McLoughlin from Family Advocacy at 228-2104 to sign up and get more details.