#InnovateDLT: Paperless

  • Published
  • 355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
The 355th Fighter Wing commander, U.S. Air Force Col. James Meger, reached out to Airmen of Davis-Monthan AFB to get ideas for innovating the base through a new initiative called Innovate DLT, which gives Airmen a direct line to Meger and allows them to define a problem or propose an improvement that will impact members of the base.

Staff Sgt. Alfred Ramirez, 355th Force Support Squadron fitness assessment cell NCO in charge, and Senior Airman Jasmin Martin 355th FSS fitness assessment cell assistant NCOIC, proposed a way to save time and resources by transitioning all physical paperwork to digital copies in the FAC.

According to Ramirez, the FAC spends approximately $7,000 annually on office supplies such as paper, printer ink and toner. In comparison, they project the cost of going paperless would be $5,000 to $10,000 over the next 5-10 years.

“Every month we have augmentees and they shred a million papers,” said Martin. “Going digital, would just make their lives and our lives a lot easier.”

Ramirez and Martin presented the idea to reduce stress on both the FAC and the Airmen participating in the FAs. Airmen would forget to bring the required paperwork because they were more concerned about showing up with their ID card and wearing the appropriate PT gear.

“(It will) increase the timeliness of our operations,” Martin said. “We have augmentees that come monthly that will be able to get back to their work centers a lot quicker. If someone (didn’t) get their copy the day of, (we) would have it on file in our secured drive. We’ll be able to find their test a lot easier from there, rather than flipping through papers.”

This article is the fifth article in a series highlighting #InnovateDLT.