11th Air Task Force

11 ATF Mission:

Generate a team of mission ready Airmen for the joint force to fight and win…anytime, anywhere

11 ATF Vision:

Empower Airmen to execute mission command while optimizing agile combat employment to advance the capabilities of airpower and overcome the challenges of tomorrow.

11 ATF Priorities:

Team - Mission - Culture

 “11 ATF … First of the First!”

  The 11th Air Task Force (ATF) provides mission ready Airmen capable of Command and Control (C2) and agile mission-generation in support of contingency operations. Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) activated the 11 ATF on July 11, 2024 as part of the Department of the Air Force’s re-optimization for Great Power Competition.

     The unit consists of a modular structure of three distinct levels which include the Command Echelon with imbedded A-Staff and Special Staff; the Sustainment layer comprised of a Combat Air Base Squadron (CABS) built from Airmen from the 355th and 49th Wings; and a Mission layer, able to absorb up to three Mission Generation Force Elements (MGFEs). The 11 ATF is subordinate to AFSOC, based at Hurlburt Field, Florida.

     As the Air Force shifts its focus from counter-insurgency to Great Power Competition, the ATF serves as the Air Force’s unit of action available to meet global Combatant Command requirements. The 11 ATF is aligned with the 24-month Air Force Force Generation (AFFORGEN) model. Pathfinding ATFs work and train together throughout the AFFORGEN cycle to ensure they are at peak effectiveness on Day-1 of deployment. ATFs shape our forthcoming Combat Wing design.


The ATF draws historical lineage to General George Kenney and the ATFs he employed in the Southwest Pacific Theater during World War II. Gen. Kenney created ATFs to provide task-organized units able to execute mission command across a broad theater with contested communications and logistics, similar to the strategic environment the Air Force faces today.