Public Notice: Draft Environmental Impact Statement

  • Published
  • By 355th Wing Public Affairs
  • 355th Wing Public Affairs

The Air Force announces its release of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of optimizing the special use airspace available to support Air Force missions in Arizona. The Air Force is soliciting comments on the Draft EIS and inviting all interested persons, agencies, or organizations to attend a public hearing. Concurrent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, the Air Force is conducting National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 consultation regarding the potential effects of the Proposed Action on historic properties. Information pertaining to NHPA Section 106 consultation will be displayed during the open-house portion of the public hearings, and subject matter experts will be available to explain this process and solicit public input on the effects of the Proposed Action on historic properties.

Proposed Action: The Air Force is proposing to alleviate training shortfalls and address evolving training needs by requesting that the Federal Aviation Administration implement regional airspace modifications to include: adjusting the times of use, adjusting the horizontal dimensions, adjusting the altitudes to support low-altitude training, authorizing supersonic training at lower altitudes, and authorizing the use of chaff and lowering the minimum release altitude for flares. The Proposed Action does not include the creation of new special use airspace or any changes at the installations (personnel, infrastructure, aircraft inventory, or airfield operations), changes to land use beneath the airspace, or weapons release. The special use airspace being addressed in the EIS is located throughout Arizona and a small area of western New Mexico. The Draft EIS is available for review and download on the project website ( or a paper copy may be reviewed in the several local libraries (see website for all library repositories). 

Public Comments: Comments can be made at public hearings, submitted online at the project website (, or by mailing to: Arizona Regional Airspace EIS, c/o Stantec, 501 Butler Farm Rd., Suite H, Hampton, VA 23666. To ensure full consideration of all comments in preparing the Final EIS, comments should be submitted by October 9, 2024.

In-Person Public Hearing: In-person public hearings are being held throughout Arizona and New Mexico from August 26 through September 13, 2024 (see website for specific dates and locations). All meetings will begin at 5:00 p.m. with an Open House session. The Air Force presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m. and verbal comments will be accepted following the presentation. For requests for sign language assistance at the hearings, contact Grace Keesling at (210) 925-4534. The Air Force requests that persons with hearing impairments notify them at least 7 days in advance of the hearing dates to ensure that assistance can be available. Spanish translations of the posters and other display material are available on the project website.

Virtual Public Hearings: Virtual public hearings will be held on September 4 and 5, 2024. Specific times and instructions for participating in the virtual hearings are provided on the project website. A hardcopy of the script for the hearing presentation is available on the website in English and Spanish. If you need a copy sent to you, or if you need to request accommodation to access the audio portion of the presentation or need additional accommodation to make a telephone comment (per the Americans with Disabilities Act), please contact Grace Keesling at (210) 925-4534, no later than one week prior to the virtual public hearing.