Total Force Training Enivronmental Assessment

Environmental Assessment

The final Environmental Assessment for Total Force Training, concluding a "Finding of No Significant Impact," was released by Air Combat Command on May 15, 2015.

The Air Force will implement the proposed action alternative which places a cap on Total Force Training (formerly Operation Snowbird) flights at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base at 2,326 annual flights.

Total Force Training refers to non-DM unit training that could occur at the base, whether Air Force, sister services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps), Reserve, Air National Guard and foreign military partners. At the cap, these training activities represent less than 6 percent of the total DM annual airfield operations.

The completed EA is the result of a multi-year process that included three public scoping meetings in 2011 and two public comment periods in 2012 and 2014.

The Air Force received more than 1,370 comments during the public comment periods. All were reviewed and considered and are a part of the official record.

The EA evaluates operations impacts on public safety, air quality, cultural resources, biological resources, hazardous matter and waste management, socio-economics, environmental justice, air space and noise. The contract for the EA was awarded to Gulf South Research Corporation based in Baton Rouge, La.

The Air Force has been committed to a complete and thorough review of the alternatives, impacts and public comments received during this process. This website and the 355 FW Public Affairs office are the main points of contact for this EA.

The Air Force appreciates the public's input and participation in this process.

2014 Draft TFT EA

The Environmental Assessment was rewritten following the 2012 public comment period, to more clearly capture and explain visiting unit flight activities at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, including: Operation Snowbird (Air National Guard), joint service DoD (Army, Navy, Marines, Reserves) and foreign military services.

The revised draft EA was available for public review and comment for 61 days in 2014. All comments were reviewed and considered and are a part of the official record.

The Draft TFT EA documents from 2014 are below.

Draft: TFT EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) [5,426 KB]

Draft TFT EA Appendix A: Public Notice and Scoping Material [17,131 KB]

Draft TFT EA Appendix B: Air Quality Calculations [147 KB]

Draft TFT EA Appendix C: Noise Analysis [12,541 KB]

Draft TFT EA Appendix D: Interagency/Intergovernmental Coordination and Consultations [534 KB]

TFT Program

The Total Force Training program at Davis-Monthan AFB includes Active and Reserve units from the different U.S. military services, the National Guard Bureau (operating under their ongoing program known as Operation Snowbird), and qualified foreign military pilots from partner nations.

Total Force units are hosted at D-M approximately 10-12 times per year with up to 12 aircraft visiting for an average of two weeks. Every visiting pilot is informed of and is expected to comply with base traffic patterns and noise abatement procedures, mitigating noise impact on the surrounding communities. Southern Arizona provides optimal weather conditions and ample ranges that mirror the environment found in many deployed locations.


Documents from the 2011 public scoping meeting and 2012 Draft EA public comment period are available here.

Public Affairs

D-M Directory Assistance
355th FW Public Affairs
Bldg 2300, Room 1062
Flight Operations Concerns
Community Relations